Saturday, October 16, 2010

The Sacrifice and No Mercy on Left 4 Dead 2

So The Sacrifice came out for Left 4 Dead 1 and 2, as well as updating No Mercy for Left 4 Dead 2. So I took some time playing with this new maps. During this time I was playing with completely unbalanced teams, but that can be fun every once and a while. One very serious glitch I found in the Left 4 Dead 2 version of No Mercy was that the elevator kept dropping me. This happened in both campaign mode and VS mode and with different characters. I do not know why, but it only happened to me every time we got in the elevator. Extremely frustrating.
I really enjoy the updated No Mercy, the new weapons just fit seamlessly into the game. The Sacrifice is an extremely exciting new map. It is a lot more challenging that the basic maps, just as Crash Course was when Valve first brought that to the table. I like it a lot better on Left 4 Dead 2 than 1, mostly because the graphics are more appealing.
I give two thumbs up to the new updates on the L4D series. Now I want my tank plushie.

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