Thursday, December 29, 2011

Skyrim Glitch of the Day

So I have been thinking about the glitches in Skyrim after I spoke on the Gamersblog podcast about the problems with Skyrim. Today I had a very charming one.

I entered a town I am almost positive I had no bounty with (there are a few that I can no longer enter) and of course RANDOM DRAGON ATTACK. So I run further into the village. I have found it is a lot easier to keep the dragon contained (less random flying off and spinning) if you are in a village. Also, hey free firepower from the villager. So the battle was going fine until the dragon got to less than half health. Then all of the sudden I look down and the villagers are attacking my horse. They kill my horse and come running after me. I had not shot at any of them, but I was pissed so I shot this one lady in the face. My bounty for the town went to 40g serious confusion. I reloaded my game and I am just going to avoid said dragon and said town.

1 comment:

  1. You didn't use any Area of Effect damage that might have hit a villager? Or the crafty dragon somehow redirected some of your damage?
