Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Why I don't give a sh*t about Heroes of Cosplay

I have read countless articles about Heroes of Cosplay, as well as observe all of the rantings on facebook about the show. Almost everyone has this as the general consensus: we don't want it. I finally decided to give a little input after reading an article by Zac Bertschy from Anime News Network that in a sarcastic, snarky way, pointed out a lot about the show as well as giving a nice overview of what happens in this show.

Now I have to post a disclaimer right now that I have never actually watched the show. I do not own a TV, and do not have even the slightest desire to waste my time looking up the show online. I do however follow Yaya Han's facebook page. I should not go any further without saying that Yaya Han is an impressive costumer. She is a superior crafstwoman and is making a living doing some pretty cool stuff, so I will not be attacking her character in this post. One thing I hate more than reality TV shows is when someone attacks the person themselves instead of whatever sh*tty thing they decided to do. As far as I'm concerned she is an artist, and her stuff is swoon worthy.

Heroes of Cosplay is opening a whole new ugly bag of worms for costumers. Copyright infringement as far as modeling and photographers hasn't been a huge issue in the industry as of yet, but now SyFy and this show is stepping on some toes. BGZ Photography is currently seeking out compensation for use of his photos, which in my opinion he very well deserves. All of this may as well lead to a less friendly convention/cosplay culture, where both costumers and photographers are more reserved about who gets to shoot/get shot and the legal implications that go beyond that.

Reality TV is a poisonous, degraded version of entertainment. What will you learn from watching a show like that? Nothing. Costuming/cosplay is losing its way, trying to find an identity that isn't fully formed yet. Women like Yaya-Han and Ani-Mia are the forerunners in what cosplay could become. A big popularity contest, among other things.

On one last note, I am a sexuality and sex positive person. If a girl wants to wear a costume that shows some skin, then I think she should be able to do that and feel safe and respected. I don't think we should be shaming these cosplayers for displaying characters in a slightly sexual way. I do think they should be very aware of what power their lady lumps have, and not make it an arms (or can I say boobs) race to the top.

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