Thursday, July 29, 2010

Left 4 Dead Survival Mode

The great thing about Left 4 Dead survival modes (this is 2) is that it gives you an entirely new way to explore the game. You have more time to enjoy the details of these great maps. This is 'Bedlam' but there is some confusion as to what it is actually called. If you look on the stats page it is called Bedlam, but if you are trying to look for it to make a game it is called something different. The best way to tell is by the picture matching both.

Survival is a completely different style of gameplay. You are given a substantial amount of supplies to work with. Planning and tactics are your two best friends. You have to pick a place to stake out, although this is a little more complex in Left 4 Dead 2 because the AI is more intelligent. They have a 'sitting duck' detector, so in other words if you stay holed up in one corner the jockeys will find you and hump your face off the map. BUT you can still work with a 'sit in one corner and shoot everything' technique. It is just a lot more dangerous. Also, in Left 4 Dead 2 the tanks will not continue to pursue a player that is down. Once you are downed he will move to another standing player instead of bashing the downed player until he/she is dead.

Tanks and hordes come about ever 40 seconds, usually the horde sound queue comes first and then the tank. There are lots of ways to coordinate this. I often play with a friend who uses the grenade launcher. He is horde disposal as well as major damage to the tank. Then it is my job to have a smaller weapon to pick off the ones that get through, and also to light up the tank with a molotov or a gas tank. You will get good at throwing and placing gas tanks in survival mode.

I may post tactics for specific maps in the future. You can find a lot of tips at The Left 4 Dead wiki but many of the Left 4 Dead 2 tactics for specific maps have not been filled out yet. I will be working on posting them to the wiki, as well as this blog. Happy gaming.

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