Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Bisexuality in Dragon Age

A forum poster complained about Dragon Age's sexuality and gender roles. Saying that the game does not cater to the normal gamer type (straight males) GOOD. Is what I say. I'm not a straight male gamer, so I absolutely love the fact that the game isn't just made for guys who have no girlfriends. For one this man is obviously sexist and deeply homophobic, but that aside one of the reasons I love Bioware games is that they do not cater to this straight male boring type. They actually dip into true story telling, and also into a sort of realness that is lacking in most games. In history there have been plenty of strong females, as well as males who did not have straight sexual preferences. Actually, in ancient Greece there was no sort of boundaries as far as your lovers go, and it was perfectly acceptable to have a male and a female lover. Alexander the Great was bisexual as was Benjamin Franklin. Dragon Age is taking the lore that would be behind a dark fantasy and making it just that much more real.

Kudos to the writer of dragon age for being so levelheaded and logical in his response. There are more than just straight male gamers out there, and there should be games that can be enjoyed by all. As far as I'm concerned, you can still be homophobic and play dragon age and just not initiate those conversations with the characters. If you are offended by the potential of bisexual video game characters then you have some serious issues.

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