Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Why I don't play demos

Playing a demo is like jerking off when you could have sex. Sorry for the blunt analogy, but the only reason I ever play a demo of a game is if I just want to jerk off. If I really don't know anything about the game and I have a feeling I'm not going to buy it. Actually I really dislike most demos, they never really convince me to buy anything. Photoshop demo? Annoying. Any application that has a demo has all of these hair ripping limitations so you can't even really explore the application enough to decide if you want to buy it. Making it so I can't save my project doesn't tempt me into spending five hundred bucks to buy your software. Sorry, it just doesn't work that way.

I feel a little differently about beta and alpha testing, because then you actually have input as far as how the game is going to end up. Completely different thing, but the demo for Dragon Age 2 is just not going to be played. I want the full surprise of this game when it is actually released in a few days. I want full on Dragon Age sex, no jerking around.

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