Friday, June 24, 2011

Favorite GeekGear Websites
The T-shirts from Jinx are incredible comforta
ble, and their girl sizes fit really well (biased on that viewpoint) BUT the huge reason I really like Jinx is the rewards system. For being active on the website you gain levels and gold, gold which goes toward your next purchase such a point system is great incentive to buy there again. And it gets all those mmorpg suckers like me, because whenever there is a level system we just want to be as high as possible. Also I really like their free stickers.

Thinkgeek has great t-shirts too! This website is not t-shirt centered though like jinx is. They have all sorts of other awesome goodies, especially cases o' Bawls which is my favorite energy drink of all time. Once again the website has a point system which is great, although it functions a little different from Jinx, but still you earn points by making purchases and can redeem special offers with said points. I have been saving up mine for a while, I really kind of want this epic sleeping bag.
Most geeks have probably heard of the first two, but Shanalogic takes geekdom into a different direction. They have an amazing selection of geeky jewelry for both men and women. My recent favorite is the Nyan cat necklace, which has been out of stock for quite a while (everyone else likes it too!) I own a few pieces from here that I just love.

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