Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Portal 2 Review

"This was a science!"

I would like to begin with saying there are some games you just can't judge or really review any more, they are so accomplished in the gaming world as a classic. Portal would have to be one of those games, where even people who have never played the game will sometimes say 'the cake is a lie' even if it pisses off the people who have actually played. The charm of the game reaches beyond the simple enjoyment of playing to an art form, although many will debate the idea of games being art. In my mind they very much are, just like a good novel is art or a good movie. When I heard that Valve was trying again, and Portal 2 was coming along I was both nervous and excited as a squealing fangirl with pigtails. Disturbing image aside, I couldn't image how the second Portal could live up to the high standards the first had set.

A good way to judge how far someone is in the second
Portal is to ask them if they have the potato yet.

There are so many things I like about the new portal, but I will touch on a few key things. For one the game completely expanded on the first, as far as mechanics in gameplay go. Not only was the portal gun back and easier to use, but there were new goodies for you to play with such as the different colored goos and the hard light. The puzzle game was fun and challenging the first time, but Portal added on to an already enjoyable experience without making it too complicated. Also, the dry humor continues. The charming little phrases that even idiots blabber now, cake included, now have been expanded to so much more
without being redundant. I especially liked the dialogue between different characters (Chell herself excluded as she is once again mute). You get to explore more of the scientific base and hints of the back story that made you crazy the way it left you hanging in the first one.

The multiplayer was another added aspect to Portal. Not only could you play with yourself, but you could play with friends! I must say that I had so much fun with the multiplayer, and my only complaint was it went by too fast. They used to say you should go camping or kayaking with a date to see if you are compatible in tricky situations, but really you should just play portal with them. The multiplayer requires both people to be equally engaged in the thought process and actual action of the puzzles. My only complaint was
that it ended too soon! GlaDOS makes it that much more enjoyable, with her snide hatred ridden comments through all of the maps. Another strong point of the multiplayer was the fact that it stands alone from the rest of the game, as far as having its own complex plot and also if you started on one campaign the two do not overlap
or cause and spoilers.

The final verdict.

Why? For one because I don't believe I would ever give a game 100/100. Also I felt like the puzzles were almost too easy. It made you feel smart solving them but there are less challenge modes like in the first Portal, and you can breeze through the solo campaign (no complaints really but it could have been more challenging) other than that, rock on Valve you did it again.

1 comment:

  1. I really liked that they picked Stephen Merchant as the voice for Wheatley.
