Thursday, July 21, 2011

Old Republic Pre Order Available

FINALLY. I'm very disappointed that I didn't get to be part of the beta test (honestly I don't know anyone who did) but I am alpha testing for a game that has barely been announced yet. Unfortunately I can't talk about it in my blog :( bummer! Super top secret game testing.

I believe that Old Republic will be my next mmo (after WoW) since my WoW account is officially lost forever due to repeated hacking etc etc and my patience with the security systems of battle net has worn thin. Hopefully the Old Republic lives up to my expectations. The most recent gameplay trailers look very polished, so I'm hoping that is a good sing. Maybe soon they will actually announce the release date. I'm always unsure about preordering until I know the actual date, so I'm not sure if I'm buying in yet.

Just a hint, the game I am alpha testing is an mmo.


  1. I hope you are testing WoD Online, that game seems like it will be awesome.

  2. I was in the ToR beta a few short months ago. So many people are going to be disappointed with this. Its a watered down version of WoW. I found myself skipping the VO because it was either cheesy or dumb. I seriously dont need a 4 minute cut scene to tell me why i need to kill 5 such and such. The combat is dull and repetitive. You have a fraction of the abilities you will have in WoW at the same level. Its not very good so don't get your hopes up.

  3. I've been waiting for this game. And finally, I got closer to the truth. It's a game I would play in the world.

  4. Its a shame too because i wanted this game to do well. VO is terrible. Southern honky-tonk accents by the same actors that did a mission from 10 minutes ago to hide the fact it was the same guy. Same boring combat against the same three mobs. Think of WoW at level 7 with HALF the freedom and abilities. Boring, lifeless, and dull. IT describes every aspect of the game.
