Monday, September 19, 2011

Gears of War 3

Gears of War 3 is coming out tomorrow! In case you didn't know...

I would be more excited, but I am not going to buy it. Why? It is 60 bucks, which I guess is normal for games these days but damn. 60 bucks I could be spending on food or something. I suppose I have become too used to getting games for free and playing the betas and alpha tests. Anyways, for those of you who pre ordered or are going to buy it tomorrow, enjoy!

Speaking of testing games, I actually can't talk about them. I am testing an arena style fps right now though, but I had to sign something saying I wouldn't talk about it. Bummer. I'm not even really allowed to talk about the studio it is coming from. So I guess I will have to find other things to talk about on my blog.

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