Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Post convention depression (and how I deal with it)

During the past year, conventions and traveling for big events has become a pretty frequent part of my life. I would say that I attend a convention or a dance exchange at least twice a month. For me, conventions are total blast, but they also wear me out. I often find that for the week after I attend a convention I either get sick or depressed. When I go to a convention every other week, I couldn't maintain a lifestyle that was so up and down. So I started experimenting with my own body and mind, and found out what works for me so I stay healthy and happy during the convention and don't crash afterwards. I'm still learning, it is certainly a trial and error sort of process...with a few explosions and failed experiments.

1. I don't drink during conventions
This sucks to pass up. Anyone who has been to a convention knows how much partying goes on during them. I have found that there is no way I can possibly drink AT ALL and be able to be happy and function on only a few hours of sleep (and on top of that wear some uncomfortable cosplay) I change the rules a little bit if I am not at elevation, but I still avoid partying too much. When you are going for work, you can't really afford to be hungover for the booth the next day.

2. DURING: I eat A TON
I have found that eating can help replace lack of sleep, and help keep me from being stressed. I eat a lot, and healthy. If I am flying, I eat as much fruit on the way there and back as I possibly can. I have seen so many people opt for the burger when they are about to get on the plane, and I shudder at the thought. If you are going to spend the weekend pushing your body to the complete limits, you might as well be nice to it beforehand. Even when I'm not hungry and I'm walking around at the convention I will snack on something. Often times I even have a friend remind me to eat every once and a while.

3. DURING: Naps
Not everyone can sleep during the day, but I have found it is a great way to prepare for a night time event or take a break during the day. By nap I mean no more than an hour and a half, if you sleep any more than that you will feel really crappy. I sleep on the plane, in the car if I'm not driving, and on any surface I find suitable when there is down time. When I know I'm going to do the same thing the next weekend you take it when you can get it.

4. DURING: I take breaks from the floor
I am by nature an introvert. It takes all of my energy and attention to be friendly and walk around a convention. This doesn't mean I don't love it, it just means I need to take a break. I will often times duck into an empty room and sit for a few minutes, or if I have a hotel room pop back up there for a few minutes. Even just taking some extra alone time in the bathroom (who cares what other people think about what you're doing in there) to pop in your earbuds and listen to a few good songs while you do absolutely nothing can recharge you.

5. AFTER: Take a day off
I have not found a way around this. Spending three days on my feet, dressing crazy, talking to people and not sleeping much cannot be ended by hopping back on the work or school train. Even if I try to avoid this part, I end up not going anyways. I need a day to unpack (or pretend like I do and just leave everything in the bag for weeks) and just decompress. Take this day to go through all the pictures you or your friends took, and do all the write ups for events and send out your thank yous.  

6. AFTER: Let yourself sleep a little extra
This will change depending on how much sleep you normally want and how your body likes to catch up, but for me I need to have at least one night of 12 hours of sleep if I have only had about 3 or 4 hours for the past few days. Then, I wake up for a few hours and sleep again. I don't let myself stay in this schedule though, this is one of the huge causes of post convention depression for me. I make myself stay up till my regular bed time and wake up at a decent hour the second day.

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