Thursday, July 5, 2012

A confident girl does whatever she wants

People feel threatened when someone doesn't fit into predetermined stereo types. It is evolutionary fact. We have evolved with basic survival instincts that tell our brains to quickly categorize threats and outside stimuli. If you don't believe me please read this article here. So when a person comes along that does not fit into the neat little boxes in the mind, people are going to have problems with it. That is one of the biggest reasons that recently there has been so much negativity toward girls like Felicia Day (this is my own theory at least). Hot girls don't play video games. Pretty, intelligent, self confident girls don't do things like watch science fiction and go to conventions. Recently those outraged statements keep popping up again, and again. Even though it is completely incorrect.

The more sexually confident a girl is, the more they seem to get talked down for it as well. There is a huge double standard in our culture that says that sexually confident girls can't be self respecting as well. Sex is a bad thing. This is a leftover from Christian negative mentalities toward completely natural things like sex and sexual preference. Even people who aren't religious and claim to not have any religious backgrounds are using these negative outlooks toward sex when they see a girl like Felicia Day.

I have no problem dressing up in sexy costumes. Sure, I can't deny that there is attention that I get from it that could be part of why I do it. However, almost all of the characters I choose to cosplay are also strong, confident, aggressive female characters. If a girl wants to wear a mini skirt and pasties and run around in public, more power to her in my opinion. She isn't hurting anyone. Contrary to popular belief that tits are going to ruin the world, they aren't. Your child isn't going to become an immoral horrible person because they saw some girl body painted at a festival. They see their mother's breasts when they are first born, and I'm almost positive parents have changed in front of their children as well.

So stop telling me that I can't model and play video games. That there is no way that I could be interested in making Mandalorian armor and building computers. Don't try to tell me that I am self depreciating because I participate in artistic nudity from time to time. I am all of the things I want to be, and maybe I don't fit into some mold that you have decided all people must fit in to. Too bad. We all have these ideas in our head about how the world should work, and almost always that isn't how it actually does work. Next time you suddenly feel discomfort because of a person, instead of saying something mean think about why that person bothers you and identify why they are offending you. I'm not saying you shouldn't be offended, but don't tell them they can't be themselves because you don't like what they're doing.

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