Friday, July 16, 2010

Dragon Age 2!

Yup, I said it. Dragon Age: Origins is going to go number 2 (ewww gross) but no really, I'm excited. I'm not as much of a skeptic on sequels in the gaming world, it is just movies that should probably just stop at one unless they are part of a series and still then. Toy story 3...please? Shrek is the worst, please no more large farting green people. One was funny, two was ok...three was too much...I don't even want to go on. Anyways HERE is the article on The Escapist about it. Also if you go to the Bioware page for Dragon Age: Origins you can sign up for the newsletter that will give you the latest news on their soon to be sequel. SUPER exciting. This is a game I might just buy right at the release. Now the question that is hovering over this announcement is...Will it be as good as the first one? Better? More polished and also original? I guess we will have to wait till next year to see.

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