Friday, December 24, 2010

Games I will be playing

Finally, after a wait that was was longer than it should have, I am an owner of Dragon Age Awakening. After all of my rants and raves about Dragon Age: Origins my previous love affair, it will be interesting to see how Awakening holds up to my high expectations. I am skeptical about the chances of it having a 3 time play through value like DAO but hopefully it will hold me over till Dragon Age 2.

On another note, I was given Call of Duty: Black Ops and Halo Reach as gifts for the holidays. Both for Xbox 360. So my console gaming career is back on the line again. The first thing I did once my family was finished opening presents was play the beginning of the campaign of Black Ops on my dads huge TV. Makes me a little sad that I don't own a TV at all let alone such a massive one but I make due.

Let the rest of break be one full of me yelling at my computer screen. Thanks for the great gifts.

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