Thursday, July 14, 2011

Why I swing both ways (with operating systems)

There are two types of people in the world: PCs and Macs. And then there are those who appreciate both. I have a lot of reasons why I use both operating systems, and here are a few.
Games, obviously is the first reason I run windows. Actually, it is really the only reason I run windows to be honest. I built myself a PC simply for gaming purposes. Although I do like word processing much better on the PC, I also have more options for accessories and looks. For example, you can't really get a Mac that lights up blue and purple and has a touch screen adjustable keyboard. Also, when something goes wrong on my PC I can just open it up and fix it, the software is also easier to manipulate. Which is also a downside. Viruses ew! I am primarily a PC gamer though, so I hold some fierce protectiveness about my operating system.
When i'm not blowing things up, I am a creative person. This is one reason I love macs. Other than the fact that my college runs entirely on mac in my department, the options for music edition software and other creative software is much larger. Pro tools and Logic Pro both run better on a Mac. Macs are streamlined, prettier, and because all of the parts were made by the same company and were made to go together, you have less funny little bugs you have to work out. They are also grossly expensive and hard to fix. Sometimes the operating system is so dumbed down that it is hard to fix problems unless you are really well versed in Mac.

My next goal: Linux.


  1. Linux is quite nice, and it's not that hard to get games to run using Wine. I usually got some problems when I updated wine though, so if it's not broken, don't update.

  2. I disagree with your post I hardly believe Macs are worth getting for anything. I am heavily biased, however. Linux is tough to get into, especially if you like to spend your time gaming. I decided not to switch to Linux because you have to find a lot of workarounds and such because most things are made for Mac and Windows, but not Linux.

  3. I agree that both PCs and Macs have thier benefits; however, you may want to edit your post. The hardware inside Macs are not made at all by the same company. Being able to build your own PC, I wonder how you cannot know this. The actual hardware within Macs have the same level of manufacturer variety as any PC, e.g, their cpus are intels, their gpus can be either AMD or Nvidia, etc. The only thing Apple makes themselves are the monitor, keyboard, and mouse, none of which have any bearing on the system's performance.

  4. As far as hardware Macs are essentially PC's. As far as gaming goes, Macs make as much sense as Linux. The only substitute for console gaming is PC. If this was a productivity site, I would offer you a virtual slap for not being a linux chick.

  5. I think you sum up the difference between PC's and Macs very well. PC's are great to play games on while Macs have the better software for creativity. It makes you wonder why Microsoft doesn't come out with some decent stuff?

    I also agree with the point made in an earlier comment about the Macs hardware, you should check out this link its pretty insane how much of a mark up Apple put on their hardware.
